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发布人:刘文怡 发表时间:2024-07-26 来源: 浏览次数:


On July 11th, the visiting students from Oxford University visited Beijing Zhonglun (Wuhan) Law Firm. The visiting team was led by Ms. Wang Na, secretary of the Institute of Human Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, National Human Rights and Education Training Base, accompanied by Ph.D. Candidates Yu Hanlin and Li Jiachen, and postgraduate student Tang Jianhao.



Zou Mingchun, He Dan and Wang Jing, equity partners of Beijing Zhonglun (Wuhan) Law Firm, warmly welcomed the visiting team.

Mr. Zou first made a welcome speech, and made a brief introduction to the history and scale achievements of Zhonglun Law Firm and Zhonglun Wuhan Office. Zhonglun Wuhan office was established in December 2008 and is the first "Red Circle office" to open an office in Wuhan. Zhonglun Wuhan office has a total of 63 full-time lawyers and administrative staff, lawyers graduated from prestigious law schools domesticly and overseas, with excellent professional quality and practical philosophy. Zhonglun Wuhan office has not only been rated as the first level recommendation of "Corporate/ Commercial Law: Central China" by the Chambers Guide for many consecutive years, but also won the title of "Top Ten Law Firms in Wuhan" and "Top Ten Leading Law Firms in Wuhan".


Ms. Wang Jing introduced the foreign-related legal services of Zhonglun Wuhan Office, whose business fields involve overseas investment, corporate mergers and acquisitions, litigation and arbitration and international trade, as well as a number of sub-projects under the field, with excellent performance in the field of cross-border investment and mergers and international commercial dispute resolution.


With the theme of "Identification and Application of High-value Patents in Litigation under Judicial Big Data", Mr. He Dan introduced and shared the litigation patent model of Zhonglun Law Firm. Mr. He Dan first briefly sorted out the concept of judicial big data and common legal databases, and then further explained the model from five aspects: construction of litigation patent database, empirical analysis of patent stability, empirical analysis of patent winning and losing lawsuit, empirical analysis of high patent compensation, and identification and application model construction of high-value patents in litigation. By sifting through public judgment information and patent information, Zhonglun can build its own litigation patent database. The empirical analysis of patent stability, patent winning and losing and high patent compensation will go through the steps of selection of variables, data filtering, descriptive analysis of each indicator, significance analysis, correlation analysis and model specification. Finally, the empirical analysis of these three aspects can be integrated to form the identification and application model of litigation high value patents. Finally, Mr. He Dan gives an example to analyze the application of the model in practice and its effectiveness.


Afterwards, the visiting team had an exchange and discussion with Beijing Zhonglun (Wuhan) Law Firm. The visiting team raised several questions about the feasibility and credibility of the model, the specific fields of application of the model, how to put the model into judicial practice, how to adapt the model to the law, and the future development prospects of the model. All the questions were obtained detailed answers from lawyers in Zhonglun Wuhan office.

最后,牛津大学到我院访学学子Rufus Hall以及博士研究生喻翰林分别发表了本次交流活动中获得的心得体会,并向北京中伦(武汉)律师事务所以及律所的律师团队表达了感谢。参观团队一同欣赏了由中伦(武汉)律师事务所的律师表演的京剧,并合影留念。

In the end, Rufus Hall, the visiting student from Oxford University, and Yu Hanlin, Ph.D. candidate of HUST, respectively expressed their feelings and appreciation to the Beijing Zhonglun (Wuhan) Law Firm and all the lawyers. The visiting group enjoyed a Peking Opera performance by lawyers of Zhonglun (Wuhan) Law Firm then took a group photo together.

