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牛津大学来华中大法学院访学团暑期课程安排——首届AI and Law系列精品课程

发布人: 发表时间:2024-07-01 来源: 浏览次数:

 Summer Course Schedule for the University of Oxford Visiting Group to the 

Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 

- The First AI and Law Series of Quality Courses

为庆祝我校与牛津大学科研实习夏令营项目合作10周年暨两校首届人文社科类科研实习夏令营项目启动,2024年暑期,华中科技大学法学院正式推出首届AI and Law系列精品课程。

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the cooperation between our university and Oxford University's Research Internship Summer Camp Programme and the launch of the first Humanities and Social Sciences Research Internship Summer Camp Programme between the two universities, the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology is officially launching the first AI and Law series of boutique courses in the summer of 2024.



The Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology participated in the compilation of national unified law textbooks organised by the Ministry of Justice in the 1980s, and was formally established in 2001 by the merger of the former Department of Politics and Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the Law Teaching and Research Department of Wuhan Urban Construction College, and the Law Teaching and Research Department of Tongji Medical University. Adhering to the concept of "creating first-class, emphasising characteristics, advocating intersection and internationalisation", the School has gradually built a system with reasonable structure and prominent characteristics, and the law major has been rated as "A" in the 2021 Best Chinese Majors Ranking by ShanghaiRanking.

The Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology is the earliest and so far the only one to set up a degree programme of science and technology law in China, and the first to offer master's and doctoral degrees in artificial intelligence and computational jurisprudence, and has always been at the forefront of the intersection and integration of new technological revolution and legal disciplines.In 2019, under the auspices of Tsinghua University, the Law School of HUST jointly launched the China Alliance for the Development of Computational Law with 5 universities; in 2020, under the guidance of the Supreme People's Court, it co-built the Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Centre with the Higher People's Court of Hubei Province; in 2021, it founded the International seminar on "Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Big Data" which has been held for three sessions. In 2022, under the initiative of Renmin University of China, it jointly launched Digital Law Alliance of Chinese Universities, and in 2023 under the leadership of Renmin University of China, it co-launched the International Digital Law Association with 15 world-renowned universities, including Oxford University, Georgetown University, Cornell University, Jilin University, China University of Political Science and Law, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

首届AI and Law系列精品课程安排

Schedule for the First AI and Law Series of Quality Courses


Lesson 1: Artificial Intelligence Legislation and Digital Law Discipline Construction


Speaker: Professor Wang Xigen


Time: 9:30 AM, June 20th(Thursday)


Place: Meeting Room 105, Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

主讲人简介:汪习根,华中科技大学法学院院长、国际数字法律协会创始会员、《数字法律评论》主编、湖北司法大数据研究中心负责人。国家级高层次人才项目特聘教授,教育部新世纪优秀人才。哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学法学院高级访问学者,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学兼职教授,奥中友好协会终身高级顾问。应联合国邀请担任联合国发展权高级咨询专家,赴联合国参与国际标准、公约和重要国际文件起草,有关咨询报告多次被载入联合国官方文件。近年来精研人工智能法学研究领域,带动这一新兴领域迅猛发展。主持科技部重大专项“新一代人工智能立法 ”,在联合国大会上以“数字技术创新对发展权带来的挑战及其应对方案”做主题发言,提交的对策建议为联合国接受。

Professor Wang Xigen is the dean of the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, founding member of the International Digital Law Association, editor-in-chief of Digital Law Review, and Director of the Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center. He is Distinguished Professor of the National High-level Talent Project, the Ministry of Education's New Century Outstanding talent, Senior Visiting Scholar at Harvard University and Columbia University Law School, adjunct professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and lifelong senior Advisor of Austria-China Friendship Association. At the invitation of the United Nations, he served as a senior consulting expert on the right to development of the United Nations and participated in the drafting of international standards, conventions and important international documents. The relevant advisory report has been included in the official documents of the United Nations for many times. In recent years, he has focused on the research field of artificial intelligence law, driven the rapid development of this emerging field. He is now leading the National Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China “New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Legislation”. At the United Nations General Assembly, he made a keynote speech on "The challenges posed by digital technology innovation to the right to development and its solutions", and the countermeasures and suggestions submitted were accepted by the United Nations.


Lesson 2: Legal AI: Challenges and Opportunities of Generative AI


Speaker: Associate Professor Liu Xiaozhong


Time:19:00 PM, June 28th(Friday)


Place: Meeting Room 105, Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

线上平台:腾讯会议室(会议号:766 1494 5416)

Online Conference Room: Tencent Conference Room(ID:766 1494 5416)

主讲人简介:刘晓钟,现任伍斯特理工学院副教授,印第安纳大学兼任副教授,阿里巴巴达摩院高级顾问。研究专注于自然语言处理,生成式AI, 智能司法,复杂异构网络挖掘和分析,以及计算社会科学。研究覆盖信息领域和计算机领域,同时也和多个公司合作开展大数据分析和应用AI的落地实验研究。设计的算法被多个公司使用,被用来服务不同领域的不同用户。在顶级计算机科学和信息科学平台发表论文150余篇,获专利22项。在法律和AI结合方面已经发表国际顶会论文20多篇。

LiuXiaozhong is an associate professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, adjunct associate professor at Indiana University, and a senior consultant of Alibaba Damo Academy. His research focuses on natural language processing, generative AI, intelligent justice, complex heterogeneous network mining and analysis, and computational social science. His research covers the field of information and computer, and he also cooperates with a number of companies to carry out experimental research on big data analysis and applied AI. The algorithms he designed are used by multiple companies to serve different users in different fields. He has published over 150 papers in top-tier CS and information science platforms, as well as 22 patents. In the combination of law and AI, he has published more than 20 international top conference papers.


Lesson 3: The Development of Autonomous Driving Legal Regulations in China


Speaker: Associate Professor Zhang Ben


Time: 9:00 AM, July 1st(Monday)


Place: Meeting Room 105, Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

线上平台:腾讯会议室(会议号:766 1494 5416)

Online Conference Room: Tencent Conference Room(ID:766 1494 5416)

主讲人简介:张奔,华中科技大学法学院副教授,主要研究方向为计算法学、知识产权法、技术创新政策等,具有法学、管理学和工学的跨学科背景。承担本科生课程《知识产权法律基础》《知识产权管理》,研究生课程《计算法学概论》《计算法学私法问题》《专利法》《法律检索》等。主持教育部等省部级项目多项,并作为主要研究成员参与了科技部重大研发项目、国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、科技部21世纪议程管理中心委托项目以及多项企业咨询服务项目 在Technology Analysis and Strategic Management、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、The Technology Transfer等重要期刊上发表学术论文二十多篇,出版专著一部。

Zhang Ben, Associated Professor in Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). His main research areas are computational law, intellectual property law, and technological innovation policy, with interdisciplinary backgrounds in law, management, and engineering. He undertakes undergraduate courses such as "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law" and "Intellectual Property Management", graduate courses such as "Introduction to Computational Law", "Private Law Issues in Computational Law", "Patent Law" and "Legal Retrieval", etc. He completed multiple research projects, and participated in a series of important research programs such as Major R&D projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and National Social Science Foundation (NSSF). The publication could be seen in many SCI/SSCI or CSSCI journals such as Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and The Technology Transfer, and a monograph has been published.


Lesson 4: Legal System for Personal Data in China in the Era of Artificial Intelligence


Speaker: Associate Professor He Miao


Time: 9:00 AM, July 2nd(Tuesday)


Place: Meeting Room 105, Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

线上平台:腾讯会议室(会议号:766 1494 5416)

Online Conference Room: Tencent Conference Room(ID:766 1494 5416)


He Miao is an associate professor at law school, research fellow and Assistant to the Dean of the Institute of Human Rights Law (National Human Rights Education and Training Base), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). She is also the supervisor of master degree candidate and doctor candidate at law school, HUST. She is also a member of the Jurisprudence Institute of Law, China Law Society, a part-time researcher at the faculty of law, Ghent University and a member of the Doctoral Guidance Committee of the Department of Public and International Law, Ghent University, Belgium.

Her main research field is human rights law. She has published some papers in English in SSCI journals and international peer-review journals. She has published several papers in CLSCI and CSSCI journals. She was in charge of three national research projects from National Social Science Fund (2018-2021), Youth Research Fund in the Ministry of Education (2018-2023) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016-2019).  She actively participated in some major research projects. She also won some academic prize from the national and provincial levels. She actively participated in several international academic conferences and gave speeches in the U.K., Switzerland, the U.S.A., New Zealand, Norway, Sweden.


Lesson 5: AI and Future Law Making


Speaker: Professor Chen Chi-Shing


Time: 9:00 AM, July 4th(Thursday)


Place: Meeting Room 105, Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

线上平台:腾讯会议室(会议号:766 1494 5416)

Online Conference Room: Tencent Conference Room(ID:766 1494 5416)


Professor Chen Chi-Shing, Special Term Professor at the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Executive-chief-editor of Digital Law Review, and Chief Scientist of Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center. He has both law and computer science background. He joined LEXIS advanced system R&D in 1988 and later entered University of California at Berkeley, received both LLM and JSD. Professor Chen joined Huazhong University Science and Technology School of Law in 2019.

Lesson 6: Artificial Intelligence in Digital Courts


Speaker: Engineer Liu Jia


Time: 9:00 AM, July 8th(Monday)


Place: Meeting Room 105, Law School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

线上平台:腾讯会议室(会议号:766 1494 5416)

Online Conference Room: Tencent Conference Room(ID:766 1494 5416)


Liu Jia, Ph.D. in Engineering, Laboratory Engineer of Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center, Computer and Artificial Intelligence Expert. She holds dual bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Optoelectronics, and received her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. She has undertaken multiple research projects on Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Big Data. Under the framework agreement between Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Hubei Higher People's Court to jointly establish Judicial Big Data Research Center, she was assigned to Hubei Higher People's Court for one year to specialize in judicial big data research and development.


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